Our Inspiration
मेरा प्यारी देश वासियोँ आपसे एक छोटी- सी मांग कर रहा हूं – क्या आप तय कर सकते हैं कि 2022 आजादी के 75 साल के पहले हम अपने परिवार के साथ भारत के कम से कम पंद्रह टूरिस्ट डेस्टिनेशन्स पर जाएंगे।
from Hon'ble PM Shri. Narendra Modi Speach from Redfort on the occasion of 73rd independence day
Nature & Divine

Blessed with magnificent glaciers, majestic snow-clad mountains overlooking plush meadows, gigantic and ecstatic peaks and clear mountain lakes. Emerald green dense forests, serrated by deep gorges, reverberate with the gurgle of innumerable streams and rivers that crisscross their way to the plains below. A splendid combination of flora and fauna can also be seen.


Here one can see the cultural diversity. It is at these fairs that the traditional art forms that are on the verge of extinction resurface, so that they can be recognized and supported.

Destination Circuits

Come and explore these curated circuits by your interest and exotic and vivid experience Garhwal region can offer

You must also visit sites associated with nature and wild life and animals. As I have said before, and I emphasize, that you must visit the north-east in your lifetime. What a glorious abundance of nature exists there. You will be left wonderstruck! Your horizon will expand. On 15th August, I urged all of you from the ramparts of the Red Fort to visit at least 15 places within a span of the next 3 years, 15 places within India and for 100% tourism, visit these 15 sites! Witness and observe. Do take the family and spend some time there.

Our country is full of diversity and this wide range of diversity will also inculcate variations within you as a teacher. Your life will be enriched. Your thinking will expand. And trust me, there are places within India from where you will come back with renewed energy, enthusiasm, zeal and inspiration, and maybe you will feel like returning to certain places again and again; your family too would feel the same.